Meet the Instructor

Anita Souza

Clinical Associate Professor, University of Washington, School of Nursing

Anita Souza is a nursing science researcher at the University of Washington’s School of Nursing. Her program of research addresses the care and support of older adults across the cognitive continuum, including those in the early stages of memory loss. Specifically, she focuses on the psychosocial and health care needs of those with cognitive decline who live alone and reside in the community. 

Dr. Souza has helped to develop and deliver educational programs to older adults living with dementia and has counseled individuals and families on dementia-related care issues. Her most recent work focuses on understanding the needs and challenges of providing care to homeless older adults with cognitive impairment by examining social network factors (mobility, housing, family and friend networks) that contribute to healthcare access in older homeless adults and the association with chronic disease and cognitive health. 

She holds a B.A. in gerontology from the University of Massachusetts, Boston, and a Ph.D. from the University of Washington. Prior to joining the faculty at the University of Washington, she worked at the Alzheimer’s Association developing early-stage dementia educational programs. She has a passion for building bridges between researchers and community organizations to improve the lives of older adults. 

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