Meet the Instructor

Jennifer McCord

Owner, Jennifer McCord Associates

Executive Editor and Associate Publisher, Epicenter-Coffeetown-Camel Press

Jennifer McCord’s writing industry experience spans more than 30 years, and she’s worked with writers, authors, agents, publishers and distributors. In addition to guiding authors through successful self-publishing ventures, traditional publishing houses and small-press entities, McCord has specialized knowledge in bookstore operations, bookselling, marketing and event management. She has a national reputation for publishing expertise and creativity coaching.

McCord has taught writing and publishing courses at Bellevue College, Edmonds College and Portland State University, and is a regular guest lecturer at the University of Washington and the University of Wisconsin-Superior. She’s a sought-after panelist and workshop presenter at various writers’ conferences, including SEA Conference (Self Employment for the Arts/North Central College), the Oregon Writers Colony, Pacific Northwest Writers Conference, Write on the Sound, Romance Writers of America, Novelists Inc., Pub West and various book festivals.

McCord owns Jennifer McCord Associates, where she’s a coach and publishing consultant. She’s also the executive editor and associate publisher at Epicenter-Coffeetown-Camel Press. She received her degree in history from the UW and is a certified creativity coach.

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