Meet the Instructor

Mark Woodside

Mark Woodside entered the world of games at age 12 when his friends invited him to join them in a strange new gaming experience called Dungeons and Dragons. He never looked back. Years later, Woodside realized two dreams. The first was with Amaze Entertainment, where he was involved in the production of numerous games, including Lord of the Rings: Tactics, Call of Duty: Roads to Victory, Shrek the 3rd, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Where the Wild Things Are and Princess and the Frog.

After his time at Amaze, Woodside realized his second dream when he published the urban fantasy setting Marchland for Savage Worlds. Since then, he has taught game development to high school and adult students at the DigiPen Institute of Technology and created curricula for dozens of K-12 summer workshops. Woodside holds a B.A. in electrical engineering from the University of Washington and an M.A. in military history from Norwich University.

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